Wednesday, August 1, 2007

a la natural beauty products

I've been tinkering around with making my own beauty products for the last few years but had hit a hurdle with the labelling. When two of the lovely ladies from my Stitch n Bitch group asked me to put together a gift pack of my products as presents for their friends it gave me the necessary kick up the butt to get organised and sort out my labelling. I've spent the last couple of weeks sorting it out and whipping up some lovely products:

coconut lip balm
lavender body butter
light facial moisturiser
invigorating body scrub (which is actually a moisturiser and exfoliant in one - I love products that do more than one thing)
lemon myrtle/ choc berry soap

I'm very happy with the way the gift boxes turned out. There is still a bit of tweaking to do on the labelling and I want to expand my range of products but hopefully now I can start to promote my products a bit more and even try selling them at a market.

1 comment:

Ed said...

Update needed! I know stuff has happened in your life! I've been there for some of it. Love Ed