Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Watch out for those obese babies!

Whilst travelling home from work last night on the train I was reading a very intellectual and stimulating journal, not sure if you've head of it - it's called MX (free tabloid from the people that give us the excellent Herald-Scum). So as I was devouring the cutting edge journalism found within, I came across an article that was discussing how a link has been found between levels of Leptin (a protein hormone) and obesity. It seems that the more Leptin you have, the less obese you will be. Now scientists have found that there is a certain level of Leptin that babies receive from breastmilk but of course this isn't enough to combat all the obese babies we have running around, so other scientists (working for big evil food corporations that produce baby formula) have decided that babies should be getting more Leptin than nature provides and have upped the level of Leptin that babies receive in baby formula. Thank god! Now there will be no more excuses for having fat babies! Come on! Talk about starting early on getting a complex!