Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The cost of living in Kingswood Country

Egads! I've just found out that it is going to cost me $1200 to fix the suspension in my car! And that's not fixing everything that needs to be done but in the words of my mechanic 'just making it safe to drive'! You'd probably think that I drive some swish car like a Saab or something given the cost of the repairs, but no, you would be fooled, you see I drive a 1976 Holden Kingswood and it seems it costs a lot to live in Kingswood Country. I had to think twice about whether I would even get the car fixed given that it only cost me three grand in the first place but I seem to have grown attached to my transportation device over the last eight years and am loath to give it up just yet. Oh well, my poor credit card gets another beating....

1 comment:

Ed said...

Our orange car is a bit of a cash sink at the moment...but then again all cars are...